What is ParodyPoker.com?

What is ParodyPoker.com?

Poker players are perhaps the greatest storytellers in the world. Together, they represent a vast repository of somewhat embellished accounts of both a cross between fiction and true-life experiences. Why? Because each poker session, each tournament, and each poker hand is a unique event and has a beginning, middle and end (start, action, then closure). These are all stories that have emotional significance and need to be told and shared with great enthusiasm and a twisted recollection of what really happened.

I started this site because I think that good stories should be shared by everyone. I love swapping experiences with other poker players, and I hope you do too. ParodyPoker.com is your virtual “hangout” on the World Wide Web, where you can go to read stories and watch videos for amusement, inspiration, diversion or to learn more about the subtle facets of the game of poker. Anything related to poker that is funny, incredible, provocative, or insightful will be placed here. Something for everyone and believe me, we make fun of everyone in a “no holds barred” style of humor.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever experienced at the poker table? How about your funniest poker joke? Can you think of a poker quote you’d like to share? It’s time to put it out there for everyone to enjoy. And if your submission includes photos, art, or even movies, then send that along too! If you’ve got a website and you want to link it to your submission, great! Your suggestions will make it (sooner or later) onto this website in one form or another.

Let’s share poker antics both real, true or even imagined (fictional). Poker is all about emotions, passion and even laughing your ass off because of something so ridiculous that it is talked about by everyone for years. That’s how most cliche poker room phrases become adopted by others.

Life is sometimes stranger than fiction. Playing poker is one of the strangest interactions with people you can possibly experience. There is every single emotion you can think of circling and making the rounds at the poker table at any given time. Happiness, sorrow, satisfaction, anger, nervousness, confidence, empowerment, helplessness, strength, weakness, the list goes on and on. So many emotions displayed by one group of people all doing the same activity. All the stereotypes you could imagine actually manifest themselves and come to life right in front of your eyes.